Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Apply for the CSE Inclusion Project implementation teams

The College of Science and Engineering Inclusion Project is identifying opportunities for the growth of inclusivity throughout the college. Postdocs and graduate students are invited to nominate someone (or self-nominate) to join one of three implementation teams working on action plans to demystify processes used to make decisions that affect them.
Join the Inclusion Project!

The College of Science and Engineering (CSE) Inclusion Project is identifying opportunities for the growth of inclusivity throughout the college. One way to identify these opportunities is by evaluating the results of graduate students and postdocs surveys about whether they experience an inclusive climate in their department or academic program.

Graduate students and postdocs were asked whether they felt they have an active role in academic department or research unit decisions that affect them. The survey results identified decision making as the top inclusivity priority among graduate students and postdocs in CSE Departments and Units.

The CSE Inclusivity Council is defining action plans to work on these opportunities and is developing implementation teams to demystifying processes used to make decisions that affect graduate students, and identifying decision-making processes of relevance to graduate students and integrating graduate students feedback into the departmental decision making process."

To learn more about the Inclusivity Council's plans and actions, please review the CSE-Wide Inclusion Plans for Research Spaces document (PDF)

For information on how to nominate yourself or others to be a part of an implemenation team, please complete the Implementation Teams Interest Form.

CSE Graduate Programs